St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery   /   Plant

Plant Details

Pongamia pinnata (L.)Pierre

Evergreen trees, to 18 m high, bark 10-12 mm thick, surface grey, smooth, speckled with brown; blaze-yellow; branchlets lenticellate. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate; stipules lateral, small, oblong, cauducous; rachis 10-15 cm long, slender, pulvinate, pubescent; leaflets 5-7, opposite, estipellate; petiolule 6-10 mm; slender, pubescent; leaflet 4.5-12 x 2-7 cm, elliptic-acuminate, elliptic-lanceolate, ovate or ovate-oblong, apex acuminate, margin entire, glabrous, chartaceous; lateral nerves 5-8 pairs, pinnate, ascending, slender, faint; intercostae reticulate, obscure. Flowers bisexual, purplish-white, 15-18 mm long, in lax axillary racemes, axis pubescent; bracts small, cauducous; calyx tube campanulate; minutely 5 toothed, apex truncate; corolla exserted; petals 5, clawed; standard suborbicular with curved folds above the claw; wings obliquely oblong, slightly adnate above the claws to the obtuse keel petals which are joined near the tip; stamens 10, monadelphous, the vexillary stamen free below and above; anthers uniform; ovary subsessile, inferior, 1-celled, ovules 2; style in curved, beardless; stigma capitate. Fruit a pod, 4-5 x 2-2.5 cm, obliquely oblong, flat, thick, pointed at both ends, indehiscent, slightly falcate; seed one, reniform.

  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Habit: Moderate sized tree
  • Habitat: Moist places,wet places,plain and hilly area
  • Status : Common

Vernacular names

English - Indian beech tree, Hongay oil tree
Malayalam - Minnari,Pongam,Ponnam,Pungam,Pungu,Punnu,Ungu
Hindi - Karanj
Tamil - Ponga Maram,Pungami
Kannada - Honge
Other - Honge Tree,Karanch (Ass.),Panigrahi,Pongam Tree,Pongum,Punga maram

Medicinal Uses

  • Antimicrobial and Antifungal Properties: Different parts of the Pongamia pinnata plant, including the leaves, seeds, and oil, have been used traditionally for their antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Extracts and preparations made from these parts have been applied topically to treat various skin infections and fungal conditions.
  • Wound Healing: The oil extracted from Pongamia pinnata seeds, often referred to as Karanja oil, has been used for its potential wound healing properties. It is applied topically to wounds to promote healing and prevent infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Some traditional uses involve using parts of the plant to reduce inflammation and provide relief from pain. This can include making poultices or using oil topically on inflamed areas.
  • Analgesic Properties: The oil derived from Pongamia pinnata seeds has been used to alleviate pain, making it potentially useful as a natural analgesic.
  • Skin Conditions: Pongamia pinnata extracts are often used in traditional skincare formulations. The oil is believed to moisturize and nourish the skin, making it potentially beneficial for various skin conditions.
  • Rheumatism: Traditional practices involve using the oil for massage to relieve joint pain and discomfort associated with conditions like rheumatism.
  • Traditional Medicine Systems: Pongamia pinnata is also a part of traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda. In these systems, it has been used to treat various ailments, including skin diseases, pain, and inflammation.