St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery   /   Plant

Plant Details

Strobilanthus cusia Nees.

A Herbaceous Perennial plant with erect branched stem . Leaves opposite , often unequal toothed or subterine , usually lineolate with raphides . Flowers capitate or in strobilate on interrupted bracteate spikes on panicled , sessile ; pink . Calyx usually deeply 5-partite , the lobes narrow , rarely 2-lipped . Corolla usually white blue or purple , rather large , straight or curved ; lobes 5 , rounded or ovate . Fruit four seed capsule , glabrous .

  • Family: Acanthaceae
  • Habit: A Herbaceous , perennial branched herb
  • Habitat: Hilly areas , moist wooded places or moist forests
  • Status : Endangered

Vernacular names

English - Assam indigo , Chinese Rain bell

Hindi - Rum

Malayalam - Chinnakurinni

Tamil - Cinna k kurinji

Kannada - Karvi


Medicinal Uses

* The roots and leaves are depurative and febrifuge and antiinflammatory . A decoction is used in treatment of epidemic , sore throat and fever caused rashes .

* The whole plant is used to treat Influenza , viral pnuemonia , mumps and SARS (Tanaka et al., 2004)

* Leaves posesses antibacterial , astringent , antiviral properties (Tomonori et al., 2004)

* A poultice of leaves is used to treat ague .

* Stem and leaf are used as alexipharmic prescription for respiratory tract infection