St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery   /   Plant

Plant Details

Tinospora Cordifolia (Willd.)Miers

Gregarious , perennial climber . Leaves ovate , acute , base cordate , 5 ribbed ; petiole 4-6m long , geniculate and swollen near the base . Flowers unisexual , pedicellate ; yellow . Male flowers in racemes , outer sepals smaller ; petals shotter than inner sepals . Fruit drupes , ovoid or globose ; bright red when ripe . Seeds endospermous ; cotyledons flattened , radicle short .

  • Family: Menispermaceae
  • Habit: An evergreen perennial climber with corky , grooved bark and adventitious aerial roots .
  • Habitat: Shady places , deciduous and terrestrial places .
  • Status : Endangered

Vernacular names

English - Guduchi

Hindi - Giloe , Gurcha

Malayalam - Chittamritham

Tamil - Shindilakodi

Kannada - Amrutha balli

Medicinal Uses

* Plant decoction used to treat liver , eye diseases , urinary problems , cancer , diabetes , laxative and cardiac ailments .

* Febrifuge used in malarial and chronic fever .

* Improves digestion , reduces constipation , lowers acidity and gas .

* Antinoxidant and antimicrobial activity .( Khan F , Jadon A S , Bhadauriya P )

* Used in treatment jaundice , bone fracture , pain and skin disease .