St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery / Plant
Big evergreen tree , high , triangle conopy shape . Leaf opposit , elliptic - oblong , thick leathery , dark green , numerous , lateral parallel veins , intermediate nerves . Flowers Yellow red or purple , sepals - 4 circular , petals 4 , broad, ovate , fleshy , stamen 15 - 20 free . Fruit globose , persistent calyx above , rind thick . Seeds 6 - 8 flat , large embedded in snow white delicious pulp .
English - Queen of fruits
Hindi - Mangustaan
Malayalam - Mangosteen
Tamil - Punaii
Kannada - Murugala hannu
* Stimulate immune system of body .
* Improves mental health .
* To treat diarrhoea .
* To treat menstrual disorders .
* To treat intestinal infections .