St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery   /   Plant

Plant Details

Justicia adhatoda L.

It is a smal evergreen dense shrub with foetid scent . Leaves entire , oblong-lanceolate , attennuate at both ends , minutely pubescent . The inflorescence is dense , short pedunculate , bractate and spike terminal . Calyx 5-partite , the lobes imbricate , the 2 lowest often subconnale ; corolla large , white with lower lip streaked purple . The fruit 4 seeded small capsule .

  • Family: Acanthaceae
  • Habit: Shrub
  • Habitat: moist river banks , disturbed areas .
  • Status : Least concern

Vernacular names

English - Malabar nut

Hindi - Arusha

Malayalam - Adalodakam

Tamil - Adathodai

Kannada - Adusogae

Medicinal Uses

* The leaves , roots , flowers , and bark of this plant have been used in the treatment of cough , colds , asthma , tuberculosis.

* The leaves are used to liquefy sputum .

* Warm infusion of leaves used to reduce eczema , rashes , itching and other skin ailments.

* Good for reducing joint pain and to subsidize arthritis swelling .

* Paste of boiled leaves are used to cure dysentery .