St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery / Plant
A small , soft wood tree . Leaves tripinnate , petiole thickened
at the base , pinnae and pinnules opposite , decidous with gland at base.
Inflorescence large panicles . Flowers zygomorphic white ; calyx cup-like , reflexed ; petals 5 , spathulate , veined , unequal , unfused .
Fruit elongated hanging capsule.
English - Drum stick tree
Hindi - Senjana
Malayalam - Muringa
Tamil - Moringai
Kannada - Nugge
* Nutritious , lowers blood sugar level.
* Increases milk flow.
* Roots and barks are used for cardiac and circulatory problems.
Bark and gum are used in treatment of tuberculosis and septicaema.
* Root juice is used internally in the treatment gout , rheumatism , enlarged spleen , asthma and liver , kidney stone.