St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery / Plant
Shrubs or small trees , unarmed . Leaves pinnate ; leaflets alternate , petiolate , oblique or cuneate at base . Flowers solitary , axillary or terminal corymbs ; white , cream . Calyx 5-lobed . Petal 5 , free imbricate . Fruit a 1-2 celled berry , oblong or ovoid . Seeds with a woolly or glabrous testa ; cotyledons thick ; embryo small .
English - Orange jasmine , Chinese box
Hindi - Kamini
Malayalam - Maramulla
Tamil - Vengarai
Kannada - Kadu karibevu
* Antioxidant , antimicrobial (Bonter et al., 2021), astringent .
*Leaves are stimulant , also used by local community for releif from diarrhea and dysentry .
* To treat cough , hysteria and rhuematism .
*Taken as a drink for treatment of venom bite or as a scrubber on bitted limb .
* Pharmacological activity includes antianxiety , antidepressant , antibacterial , analgesic and antidiabetic property .