St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery / Plant
Hardy , evergreen shrub upto 1 m tall with charachterestic greyish colour and sharp unpleasant order . Leaves oblong , pinnate , glandular dotted , small and fern like , bitter taste . Flowers terminal , erect clusters , small ; yellow . Fruit capsule .
English - Garden rue , Herb of grace
Hindi - Naaghdamani
Malayalam - Aruta
Tamil - Aruvatham Pachai
Kannada - Naagadaali
* Oil and infusions used as antispasmodics and emmenagogues (Martindale, 1982)
* Antiviral agent (vigneau, 1985) when combined with other herbs
* Fungal infection of skin like athlete's foot and dermatitis .
*Antihelminthic , antimiorobial (Preethi et al., 2006) , Antinflammatory , stomachic and ophthalmic .
* Consist of nuerotoxin that helps in relaxing and desensitizing nerves .
*Treatment of muscle pain , anxiety , inflammation , menstrual cramp .