St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery / Plant
Shrubs to 2m tall ; stem densely stellate - hairy when young ; prickles few , scattered . Leaves ovate , usually coarsely 2 - 3 - Sinulate , apex acute , base obliquely subcordate , stellately pubescent on both sides . Inflorescence supra - axillary , many - flowered corymbose cymes ; peduncle to 5cm long . Calyx tube 2 - 2.5 mm long , campanulate , lobes oblong . Corolla white , c . 2.5 cm across ; lobes 5 - 6 mm long , ovate pubescent outside . Fruit a globose or elongated berry .
English - Turkey berry
Hindi - Bhurat
Malayalam - Anachunde
Tamil - Sundaikkai
Kannada - Chunde
* A syrup prepared from leaves and flowers is used as a treatment for cold .
* Infusion of leaves and fruits are used as a treatment for bush jaws and sores .
* Decotion of root is used to treat venereal diseases .
* Juice of plant is used to treat fever , cough , asthma , sore throat , rheumatism and stomach ache .
* Anti inflammatory and analgesic activity ( Atta & Alkofahi et al , 1997 ) .