St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery   /   Plant

Plant Details

Clitoria ternatea L.var.Ternatea

Slender vine , climb upto 9 feet , deep rooted , tall slender , pinnate compound leaves , imparipinnate , stipules linear leaflets 5 - 7 , elliptic , oblong , obtuse . Large flowers deep blue with a yellow to white pattern in the center of the lower petal , bracteate , bracteolate, calyx big , tubular , standard large imarginated , wings oblong , keel incurved, five fused petals corolla with five free petal . Fruits linear - oblong pods . Seeds present inside the pods .


  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Habit: Climber
  • Habitat: Deciduous forests also cultivated as ornamental
  • Status : Not evaluated (NE)

Vernacular names

English - Butterfly pea

Hindi - Aparajita

Malayalam - Sankupushpum

Tamil - Sankupuspam

Kannada - Shankpushpi

Medicinal Uses

* It has been traditionally used for the treatment of respiratory and neurological disorders (chauhan et al., 2017)

* It is also used for treating urinary and skin problems .

* The flowers have been traditionally consumed in salads or drank as an herbal tonic to promote a younger skin complexion and defend against skin aging (Rahman and Hossain, 2017)

* Flower extract is used as a cosmetic ingredient (Lijon et al., 2017)

* It is good for enhancing memory .