St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery / Plant
A small to large evergreen tree of about 15m with almost round crown. Generally characterized by a short, dark and very rough trunk. The bark is dark grey. Leaves dark- green, elliptic-acuminate, shining and glabrous. Flowers 8- merous, creamy white with pleasant fragrant and star like, solitary. Fruit is generally globose about 1 inch long, yellow- orange when ripe.
English - Asian bullet wood
Malayalam - Elanchi
Hindi - Maulsari
Tamil - Magadam
Kannada - Pokkalathu
* Consumed by local people for its rich calcium content.
* Nutritional value:Protein 0.48gm; vitamin C 15.67 mg; vitamin A 0.05 mg; calcium 83 mg; phosphorus 17 mg & iron 0.92 mg, per100 g.
* The whole plant have been used in various traditional medicines for treatment of toothache and bleeding gum.
* The bark is used for cooling, a cardio tonic, alexipharmic, stomachic, anthelmintic and astringent which cures biliousness.
* The root is aphrodisiac, diuretic, astringent to the bowel, good for gonorrhea.