St Mary's College, Sulthan Bathery / Plant
Shrub/ Small tree. Leaves 7-16 cm, ovate, apex acuminate, base cordate , glossy, glabrous ; lateral nerves 4-5 pairs; petioles 4-7cm ; stipules 5-6mm, acute. Flowers 3-5cm across, in terminal corymbose panicales, pinkish white. Sepals ovate, purple, scaly. Fruit; a capsule, reddish brown, two-valved spiny. Seeds many, red. Fruiting throughout the year.Commercially grown for its red dye.
English - Lipstick Tree
Hindi - Latkan
Kannada -Rangamali
Malayalam - Kurannumannal
Tamil - Sappiravirai
System Of Medicines Used In:
* Ayurveda
* Folk medicine
* Homoeopathy
* Siddha