
Permanent posts to teaching and non teaching staff

Appointments are as per regulations of UGC Government of India and Government of Kerala from time to time

Guest Faculty

Appointment of DD Guests: As per regulations of Government

Management Guest

Appointment are as per management policy. Appointments are made for the given academic year only. Upper age limit for appointment is 56 years.

Management Office Staff and Wardens

Vacancies will be announced through website. You may submit your application with mobile number indicating the post to which applied, on white paper. Appointment is given for the given academic year. Age limit is 56 years.

Other Miscellaneous Staff

There are a number of jobs like Cleaning Staff, Gardner, Security cum Caretaker etc which may arise at any time of the year. The work will be as per requirements of the time only. Application may be given in white paper at any time of the year or give your mobile number at the Bursar office. Upper age limit is 56 years.